
The El Mirador Field Guides

The new flagship of our efforts to raise funds for the museum and nature exhibit in Carmelita: The El Mirador Guide. Three volumes of pure hiking information and field guides are available for download in PDF format.

Working as volunteers we tend to believe in mankind, so these guides are free to download, print and distribute as long as they are not altered. In exchange, if you feel that they helped you during your hike, we expect you to make a donation of your choice to support our goals listed in the header of the blog.

Maps, photos and new information will be added continuously and the general information collected from the internet will be rewritten eventually depending on how much time we have between guiding hikes. The three volumes of the guidebook:

El Mirador Guide: THE HIKE

El Mirador Guide: PLANTS

El Mirador Guide: ANIMALS

 Any recommendations or corrections are thankfully accepted!

1 comment:

  1. Hey those guides here could be really usefull but they seem to be not working at the moment? Help would be appreciated!

    Furthermore id like to make a donation for the museum but where should i do it?
